Lessons from the last session: Taking Flight đź•Š

Nishat Ali
5 min readJun 19, 2021


Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. -Leo Buscaglia

With a heavy heart but with strong nerves now it’s time for the last session of the 3 months Amal Career Prep Fellowship Program. It’s just like a sigh of relief for many of us yet a grim feeling too for some as well. All of a sudden, with a blink of an eye these three months passed and I am wondering how and when. So many things to say; about the last session that left us with so many memories.

The journey of learning with life-long skills came to an end with the last session named “Taking Flight”. With the solid base which Amal Fellowship provided us every fellow is now good to spread the wings and touch the sky. We are no more in the prison of our fears, we can do what we can wish for. With hard work and the Amal principles, every fellow is more confident and responsible enough to face the challenges of real-life whether in a personal or a professional setting.

A session full of Hearts ♥

When you listen with empathy to another person, you give that person psychological air. -Stephen R. Covey

I used to participate actively in almost every session but in the last session, I just wanted to hear from my instructors and fellows and just shared only one learning from my life experience.

“Believe in the process you are going through and don’t try to control the things which are beyond your control. Just go with the flow and try to accept the mistakes and own the decisions you made. Keep calm with your past and the future belongs to you.” — Nishat Ali

I wanted to keep every single word spoken in the session to remain with me as a guiding light. I know a lot of fellows had tears in their eyes, so did I. These were tears of memories we made together, the laughter we laughed together, the jokes we made and all in all a beautiful connection we made even staying away but connected with roots of Amal.

Group Photo with Graduation Cap- Feeling Accomplished

Amal Academy has left no leaf unturned as we are coincidentally connected in such a way that we can get notified of the activities of our fellows. Our groups, circles, Facebook page, and LinkedIn are the social platforms where we can easily interact and help each other. We can plan a meet as well in order to stay more connected and have a beautiful time together.

Sir Rizwan as usual apny dukhray sunaty hvy :P

Amal's learnings are so practical and I cannot stay away from implementing them all in my daily chores. Sometimes it seems cosmetic but actually, we are groomed in such a way to see the other side of the picture and think outside the box in order to stand out among the crowd. I can again have a quick look at my project works and my instructor's feedback for a better understanding. The online courses are always accessible to refresh the teaching of greatness we learned. Whenever needed I can take help from my fellows and my instructors. We have built a connection to see each one of us grow as a person and responsible asset to the society and world at large.

From being an Amal Fellow to being an Amal Alumni is a new feeling and a new era of connections and learnings is going to start. So being an Amal Alumni holds a responsibility to always remember the learnings from the Fellowship and make an impact in society.

The sharing of appreciation notes was a wonderful idea in the last session as it was supposed to leave a deep mark on the memory when you got to know about something that you never knew throughout the whole fellowship. Every single fellow was appreciating their fellow fellows.

Padlet- Appreciation Notes

Someday in the future whenever I want to cherish and relive my memories; I can come back to these Padlet notes and revitalize myself.

I thanked my fellows for their precious comments about me. They all are amazing with such positive energy, where I think every single person will change the lives of others with the same positive vibes they have developed throughout the Amal Fellowship.

“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In the end, emotions overwhelmed and everyone was up to say goodbye to each other with a heavy heart with never-ending memories and friendships. It was a goodbye with the hope to keep in touch with my fellows.

With hope, courage, and dynasty of lifelong learning, I wish we all may grow and nourish every single day! Ameen

With love and respect! ♥

Nishat Ali

Amal Alumni

